Department of Media Science


The Department of Media Science envisions a global society where citizens are engaged in their communities; where media industry professionals are ethical and committed to diversity and inclusivity, and embrace technology to serve the public good; and where people from all backgrounds think critically about the media.


To prepare students for the society we envision for tomorrow, while modeling today the values of community engagement, ethical professionalism, and diversity in a global world, critical reflection, and technology in service of the public good.

Goals And Objectives

Department of Media Science realizes its mission statement by clearly defining its goals and objectives which are in accordance with its mission statement and also to the vision of the university which are as follows:
  • Develop students' understanding of basic knowledge in areas of practical journalism.
  • Prepare students to understand general and practical reporting and subbing.
  • Develop students' ability to demonstrate effective written and oral communication.
  • Promote creative and critical thinking among students.
  • Develop students' skills to use quantitative tools of data presentation and analysis.
  • Prepare students to use information technology to solve business problems.
  • Enhance communication and interpersonal skill of students.
  • Develop problem solving and decision making skills among students by engaging them in different activities and applied business projects.
  • Develop students' ability to understand and analyze issues and situations having ethical and legal implications for in media.
  • Develop students' aptitude to understand changing environment of reporting by engaging them in practical activities.
  • Promote among students personal and professional integrity.
  • Contribute to advancement of human intelligence and to the promulgation and development of knowledge and understanding in the media domain.
  • Programs Offering

    Each academic program under this department has its own specific objectives. The programs offered by the faculty are as follows: